www.beoley.org.uk At the centre of the Beoley community. 


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1. All applications for the hire of the Hall must be by completion of the Booking Form, which is to be forwarded to the Lettings Secretary, Beoley Village Hall Management Committee. (BVHMC) The person by whom the Booking Form is signed shall be considered the Hirer. Where a promoting organisation is named on the Booking Form, that organisation also shall be considered the Hirer and shall be jointly and severally liable hereon with the person who signs the form.

2. All charges must be paid at the time of the hiring and shall be enclosed with the Booking Form. No engagement will be confirmed until full payment has been made with the signed Booking Form.

3. The Hiring shall be for the period shown on the Booking Form and shall terminate at the time shown. The hiring shall not extend beyond midnight without the express permission of the BVHMC endorsed on the Booking Form. All music and other amplified sound shall cease at least 30 minutes before the termination of the letting and the hirer shall be responsible for ensuring that the Hall and car park is totally vacated, quietly and in an orderly manner, by the termination time stipulated on the Booking Form.

4. The Hirer shall, at all times, obey all instructions given by the authorised representative/s of the BVHMC, who are hereby authorised to stop any entertainment or meeting and terminate any hiring which, in their absolute discretion, is not properly conducted.

5. No copyright dramatic or musical work shall be performed or sung without the licence of the owner of the copyright and all such licences shall be produced to BVHMC before the commencement of the hiring. The Hirer shall indemnify the owner of the Hall against any infringement of copyright which may occur during the hiring.

6. No excisable liquor shall be consumed or sold on any part of the hired premises except:

a) By the Beoley Village Hall Social Club

b) In the case of any properly constituted Club or Society formed with the Parish of Beoley with the consent of the BVHMC endorsed on the Booking Form when the Hirer shall ensure that an occasional licence is granted to the holder of a Justice’s On Licence expressly covering the particular hiring.

At all times all persons selling or consuming excisable liquor on the premises shall strictly comply with the Licensing Laws for the time being.

7. All of the conditions attached to the music and dancing licence for the Hall shall be duly observed. A copy of such licence shall be seen on application to the BVHMC and the Hirer shall be deemed to have had notice of all such conditions.

8. The hire of the Hall does not entitle the Hirer to use or enter the premises at any time other than the specific hours for which the Hall is hired unless prior arrangements have been made with BVHMC

9. The hiring does not include the use of kitchen equipment (other than cooker, oven and water heating facilities), plates or cutlery without the express written permission of the BVHMC.

10. The Hirer shall not sublet the Hall or any part thereof or transfer/assign the benefit of the hiring.

11. The Hirer is responsible for all damage to the Hall, car park (and adjacent premises of the owner) occurring during the period of the hiring or whilst persons are entering or leaving the Hall pursuant to the hire, however and by whosoever caused.

12. The owner of the Hall shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to any property arising out of the hiring nor any loss damage or injury which may be incurred by or be done or happen to any person or persons resorting to the Hall during the hiring, arising from any cause whatsoever, or for any loss due to breakdown of machinery, failure of supply of electricity, leakage of water, fire, government restriction or Act of God, which may cause the Hall to be temporarily closed, or the hiring to be interrupted or cancelled and the hirer shall indemnify the owner against any claim which may arise out of the hiring or which may be made by any person resorting to the Hall during the hiring in respect of any such loss or damage or injury.

13. The right of entry to the Hall is reserved to BVHMC and any agent thereof at any time.

14. The Hirer shall be responsible that good order is kept in the Hall during the hiring and the owner may, if he thinks fit, charge the Hirer for any extra expense incurred for engaging Police Officers to preserve order prior to, during or after any hiring of the Hall.

15. No bolts, nails, tacks, screws, pins or other objects shall be driven into any part of the Hall, nor shall any placards or other articles be fixed thereto.

16. The Hirer shall, at the expiration of the period of hiring, leave the Hall in a clean and orderly state, which includes the cleaning of table tops and the return of tables & chairs to their storage positions.

17. Property of the Hirer and the Hirer’s agents must be removed at the termination of the hiring or fees will be charged for each hour or part thereof until the same is removed. The owner of the Hall accepts no responsibility for any property left on the premises after the hiring. In the case of bazaars, jumble sales and any other occasion when property is brought onto the Hall premises for sale, all property remaining unsold at the termination of the hiring will be considered to be the property of the Hirer for the purpose of this condition.

18. No flags, emblems, posters or other decorations shall be displayed outside any part of the Hall without the previous consent of the BVHMC endorsed on the Booking Form.

19. No exits may be blocked, chairs or obstructions placed near fire exits, or fire appliances moved or tampered with.

20. No additional lights or extension from the existing electric light fittings shall be used without the previous consent of the BVHMC endorsed on the Booking Form.

21. The Hirer undertakes that the seating and dancing capacity of the Hall allowed by the Local Authority (or Licensing Authority) will not be exceeded. THE MAXIMIUM CAPACITY OF THE HALL IS 100.

22. The Hirer is responsible for ensuring that the hiring and all persons attending the same is conducted in an orderly manner, and hereby undertakes to carry out the instructions of the BVHMC and its representative/s in reducing noise and controlling the behaviour of all persons attending the premises during the hiring.

23. FIRST AID boxes are situated within the Hall. One is located in the kitchen under the serving hatch and the other in the cupboards opposite the bar.

24. The hirer undertakes to familiarise themselves with the FIRE REGULATIONS which are displayed on the Notice Board. In the event of fire the BAR STAFF will assist the FIRE MARSHALLS. The hirer shall appoint three FIRE MARSHALLS who must be clearly identifiable. If there is no bar then the FIRE MARSHALLS will act independently.




If you have booked the Village Hall and require the bar, a few points are listed below which will help your booking go smoothly:

a) The bar is run by the Beoley Village Hall Social Club and for licensing purposes this necessitates your guests becoming temporary members for the duration of the booking. Therefore please ensure you send a list of the names of all those attending your function at least THREE DAYS before your booking. (Adults and childrens names required for fire regulation purposes).


b) You will note from the Conditions of Hire, all alcohol must be purchased through the bar, and none can be brought onto the premises.

c) Should you wish to order drinks in advance, such as wines or sherry, for toasts, please contact me at least a week before the event.

d) BAR CLOSING TIME IS 11.00pm and extensions cannot be obtained. Time will be called, BUT PLEASE ADVISE ALL OF YOUR GUESTS TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT.

e) Please note that the bar staff are voluntary members of the Social Club who give freely of their time for the benefit of the local community. The bar staff are the ‘Authorised Representatives’ mentioned in clause 4 of the Conditions of Hire. The decision of the bar staff on any matter arising is final.


f) WOULD YOU, AS THE ORGANISER/HIRER INTRODUCE YOURSELF to the bar staff as early as possible so that, should problems arise, they will know who to contact.

g) If you are employing ‘Disc Jockey Equipment’ may we point out that in order to avoid annoyance to local residents, a ‘Sound Meter’ has been installed into which any equipment MUST be plugged. This has been set to terminate the electrical supply, for 30 seconds, should the sound become too loud. PLEASE PRE WARN YOUR MUSIC OPERATOR OF THIS, AS NO TAMPERING WITH THE SYSTEM WILL BE PERMITTED.

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