Part of the large car park at the Hall.
A comprehensive bar may also be booked, if required, for evening and weekend functions. As well as draught bitter and lager, a wide selection of spirits, bottled alcoholic and soft drinks is available.
The modern kitchen provides large worktop areas for food preparation and serving. The kitchen contains a cooker, microwave, fridge, kettle and water heater (for hot drinks).
To provide the main focal point for your function, or just as an added attraction, you can book a bespoke 9-pin skittles alley.
The hall has an in-built multi-zone sound system. You can book the use of sophisticated music and public address equipment, to suit the requirements of your event. The system caters for different room layouts, to suit your needs.
As a part of the Sound System, there is an integral Loop System for the benefit of the hard of hearing. This helps enrich the experience of your guests when speeches or talks are a part of your event.